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Uno spintone al bimbo di 13 anni per rapirgli il cane Melchy

Uno choc. Samuel Brotherton ha 13 anni. Era a passeggio col suo cane, in pieno giorno, di pomeriggio, a Hornean nella contea britannica dell’Hampshire, quando un’auto ha accostato e ha rapito il quattro zampe. La vettura è ripartita a tutta birra con a bordo Melchy, il border terrier, lasciando il piccolo Sam disperato. L’uomo che era sceso dall’auto aveva tratto in inganno il bambino. Gli aveva chiesto il nome del cane, come a volergli fare semplicemente qualche complimento. Poi d’un tratto l’aveva preso in collo e portato via dando al ragazzino uno spintone.

Sam è rientrato a casa di corsa, in lacrime. Considerava il cane Melchy come un fratellino e adesso si sentiva responsabile per quanto accaduto. Invece, evidentemente, la colpa era del malvivente. I genitori hanno chiamato la polizia. In Inghilterra il fenomeno di rapimento di cani, anche dall’interno di spazi privati, è in preoccupante escalation. Fortunatamente le telecamere di sorveglianza della zona avevano ripreso tutto, e le immagini sono stati determinante per indirizzare la mobilitazione.

La famiglia aveva anche promesso una ricompensa di 10.000 sterline per quanti avessero fornito informazioni utili, mentre i quotidiani, compreso il, facevano rimbalzare la notizia e l’appello di ricerca. La notte in casa Brotherton nessuno ha preso sonno. Tutto quel clamore però deve aver fatto desistere il ladro, perché l’indomani Melchy è stato ritrovato in un parco lì nei pressi. Era in buona salute. L’incubo, per questa volta, era finito. La polizia continua a indagare.

VIDEO – DOG NOW FOUND AFTER DOG-NAPPERS GRAB TERRIER FROM 13-YEAR-OLD BOY WHO WAS ASSAULTED IN WATERLOOVILLEHampshire and IoW NewsA family offered a £10,000 reward to bring back Melchy, a Border Terrier dog that was stolen from a 13-Year-Old boy taking his family dog for a walk on Stonechat Road in Horndean, Hampshire. Melchett has since been located tied up in a park and police have launched an investigation. Officers are investigating after a Dark Blue Volvo S80 was caught on CCTV turning around in Nightjar Close before sitting in wait for the boy to pass the junction. The passenger who had exited the vehicle then grabbed the boy snatching the dog from him, whilst the boy trying to hold on pleaded and cried out to let go. The thieves then sped away taking Melchy with them in the vehicle. Hampshire Police have said;"We received a report that at around 5.55pm on 3 August a brown cross border terrier, Melchy, was stolen on Stonechat Road. A 13-year-old boy had been walking the dog when an unknown man asked for the dog’s name; he then forcefully took the dog and left in a blue car. We wanted to update you that Melchy has been located and returned to the family. Our investigation into this incident is ongoing and we continue to appeal for any witnesses to come forward to assist our investigation.Were you in the area at the time? Perhaps you have dash cam or ring doorbell footage of a blue car in the relevant area at that time?Anyone with information is asked to phone 101 with reference 44210308384. Alternatively, you can phone Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111.We also wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of some crime prevention advice when walking your dogs:- Avoid leaving dogs unattended in parks, empty cars, or tied up outside shops.- If you wish to let your dog off its lead be vigilant and aware of who is around.- Always ensure an adult is present when a child is walking the dog.- For dogs that wear collars, make sure they have an ID tag that clearly displays your contact details. Resist the temptation to put their name on their collar, as thieves could use it to lure them away."If you were in the area or have any CCTV, Dash Camera footage or information about the incident or vehicle from around 5.30pm on the 3rd August 2021 please call police Quoting 44210308384 of the 3rd August 2021. #HAMPSHIRE #POLICE #HORNDEAN #WATERLOOVILLE #DOGTHEFT #HAMPSHIRENEWS #HAMPSHIREANDIOWNEWS

Pubblicato da Hampshire And Iow News su Martedì 3 agosto 2021

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